Peter Maffay - That's Why I Keep on Loving You songtext (lyrics)

[Peter Maffay - That's Why I Keep on Loving You songtext lyrics]

You always know when I'm feeling down
And when I've nowhere to turn, you are around
You always understand me in
Everything that I do
That's why I keep on loving you

You reach out your hand when
We've had a fight you smile at me and I
Know everything is alright
You taught me how love can be
A love I never knew
That's why I keep on loving you

Let us walk this crooked road
Let me show you how I care
The road of life's before us now
Together we can go anywhere

You always know when I'm feeling down
And when I've nowhere to turn, you are around
You always understand me in every
Thing that I do
That's why I keep on loving you
That's why I keep on loving you

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