Peter Maffay - This Time You Lose songtext (lyrics)

[Peter Maffay - This Time You Lose songtext lyrics]

We called you "Mr money" when
We were still in school
With help from father's fortune you
Had all you could want
While we were busy fighting
You were busy having
And now you want my woman, well
Here's where it ends

This time you lose this time is no having
Get it into your head, my friend
This time you lose

You know that all your good times
Just last one night
'Cause good times that are paid for
Seem so sold with the dawn
And now it seems this attraction
Might show you some action
'Cause, I won't give up my woman
And that's where it ends

This timе you lose this time is no having
Get it into your hеad, my friend
This time you lose

There is nothing here for you to buy
I'm gonna tell you just this once
Don't pass this up anymore
Just give up this lady, or leave soon

This time you lose this time is no having
Get it into your head, my friend
This time you lose this time you lose
This time is no having

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