Peruzzi, Ric Hassani - Bisi songtext (lyrics)

[Peruzzi, Ric Hassani - Bisi songtext lyrics]

I know that we’re over ohh yeah
Oh yeah ohh yeah!

Bisi how you dey i know it’s been a while
I know that we are over
But you still dey for my mind Bisi
I can’t deny i been dey do like say i bad
But you know my heart dey break aah na
Why did you leave me you left me so lonely
I still have your number
And I’m hoping you call me
Can't let you leave me
You’re my one and only
I dey hope say you go call me

Bisi, call me Bisi pé mi n’isin Bisi
Årö e so mi Bisi bisi, o t’ojometa Bisi
Se mo lé ri e n’isin årö e so mi Bisi
Oh Bisi yеah

What if i tell you say i dey craze for you
I still dеy mad for you Oh aii
And i don’t even know
If it's me or if it's you
But I’m always busy you always missing
I don reason many reason eeh iyeeh eh
So baby this night i make it up to you (Ahah)
Something nice i know you want to do
Don't involve me Bisi touch me Bisi
There’s something missing you should call me

Bisi, call me Bisi pé mi n’i sin Bisi
Arö e so mi Bisi bisi, o t’ojometa Bisi
Se mo lé ri e n’isin årö e so mi Bisi
Oh Bisi yeah

Oh Bisi yeah se mo lé ri e n’isin yeah
Oh no why did you leave me
You left me so lonely
Can't let you leave me
You’re my one and only oh Bisi yeah!

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