Ric Hassani - Korèdé songtext (lyrics)

[Ric Hassani - Korèdé songtext lyrics]

I've been through some things before
Oju mi ti ri n'kan now
Mo ranti ìgbà t'ebi n kpa mi
I gone from zero to hero
Stack my money in kilos
Throw it out the window
N'isin oun ti n ba dawo le, ase ni
Won ò le dami duro won ò le dami duro
Aìmò àsìkò ló dàmú èdá
Èdá seun rere o, ti e a dara o

Orími bami se o ki n koredele o
Èdá mi bami se, Oh oh yeah yeah, yeah yeah
Orími bami se o ki n koredele o
Èdá mi bami se o s'àánú mi (s'àánú mi)

I've been through so many things
Making money now flying over seas
They see me now steady on the screens
But what they don't know it was
Tough it was nevеr easy
Thinking back, see I had it rough
Na baba God don show love
Remеmber when I had to quit my job
My mama said she's had enough
So I took my things and I made moves
Wore the same jeans and the same shoes
Got into the studio and stayed true
It happened for me it can happen for you uh
Huhh keep believing and praying
And you gotta be patient
Las las e go make sense e go make sense

Orími bami se o ki n koredele o
Èdá mi bami se o oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Orími bami se o ki n koredele o
Èdá mi bami se o s'àánú mi (s'àánú mi)

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