Roger Whittaker - Feather On The Wind songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - Feather On The Wind songtext lyrics]

Could it be I'm lost upon some journey
Or is it just this restless heart inside?
Something put me in the mood for moving
And keeps that far horizon on my mind

Like a feather on the wind
Where I land is where you find me
It seams to me I'm searching
But for what I couldn't say
Oh, love me tonight
But it's on the understanding
I'm here today and gone tomorrow
Like a feather on the wind

We built this house with joy
And love and laughter
And it's close to heaven as I've been
Sometimes this four walls
Fell like a prison
And there is nothing else that I can do
But leave

Like a feather on the wind
Where I land is where you find me

It seams to me I'm searching
But for what I couldn't say
Oh, love me tonight
But it's on the understanding
I'm here today and gone tomorrow
Like a feather on the wind

Sometimes a world wind overcomes me
Next thing I know I'm torn out by the roots
Sometimes a gentle breeze will find me drifting
Staring down in wonder at the road beneath my shoes

Like a feather on the wind
Where I land is where you find me
It seams to me I'm searching
But for what I couldn't say
Oh, love me tonight
But it's on the understanding
I'm here today and gone tomorrow
Like a feather on the wind

I'm here today and gone tomorrow
Like a feather on the wind

I'm here today and gone tomorrow
Like a feather on the wind

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