Roger Whittaker - Giant Land songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - Giant Land songtext lyrics]

Was born Liam Rafferty O'Brien
In the year of 1833
The last of nine my mother gave her love to
Especially me

When I was twelve The Sickness came to Ireland
And all the land, once green, turned dark and brown
I lost my Ma and all my darling sisters
Leaving me and Sean and Pa to run the farm

So on and on The Sickness seemed to linger
Killing half the people in its stride
Then even Pa, who seemed to be immortal
Took sick and died

So I said: 'Sean, we'll have to leave these Islands
And find a land that's young and strong and free
I know of one where we could make our fortunes
Across the sea'

So Sean and me, and several hundred others
Took ship from Cobh one cold November day
Leaving all that we had ever cared for
Buried deep beneath the soil behind the bay

We found that land where wonders never cease
A giant land where decent men can live in peace
We found the hope; we found the strength to carry on
But God forgive ungrateful hearts
For in my soul I'll always be
The son of an Irishman

I was born John Kennedy O'Brien
In the year of 1963
I left my home in Boston, Massachusetts
And crossed the sea
To find the stones that marked the time in history
When all my kin took sick and passed away
I came to find the place where Liam left them
Buried deep beneath the soil behind the bay

They found that land where wonders never cease
A giant land where decent men can live in peace
They found the hope, they found the strength to carry on
But God forgive ungrateful hearts
For in my soul I'll always be
The son of a son of a son of a son of an Irishman
Forgive ungrateful hearts
For in my soul I'll always be
The son of an Irishman

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