Roger Whittaker - I Believe songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - I Believe songtext lyrics]

Everybody talks about making money
He' Lord, put him down!
Living in a world of milk and honey, well
He' Lord, put him down!
Hear me - hear me, when I beat
Take away the rich men's greed
Give the poor man what he needs
And the walls will tumble down

I believe - yes, I believe
Oh, I believe - I do believe
That the walls will tumble down

I believe - yes, I believe
Oh, I believe - I do believe
That the walls will tumble down

A big fat man in a big black car, well
He' Lord, put him down!
A big man with a big cigar
He' Lord, put him down!
Hear me - hear me, when I beat
Take away the rich men's greed
Give the poor man what he needs
And the walls will tumble down

I believe - yes, I believe
Oh, I believe - I do believe
That the walls will tumble down

I believe - oh, I believe
Yes, I believe - I do believe
That the walls will tumble down

Now the working man is doing fight
He' Lord, put him down!
A little more pain for a little less time
He' Lord, put him down!
Hear me - hear me, when I beat
Give this world a bit more speed
Take away the rich men's greed
And the walls will tumble down

I believe - oh, I believe
Yes, I believe - I do believe
That the walls will tumble down

I believe - yes, I believe
Oh, I believe - I do believe
That the walls will tumble

The walls will tumble
The walls will tumble
The walls will tumble down

I believe - oh, I believe
Yes, I believe - oh, I believe
Yes, I believe - oh, I believe
Yes, I believe

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