Roger Whittaker - I'm Not In Love songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - I'm Not In Love songtext lyrics]

You gave me love
When I was young and so afraid
You gave it me an first fulfilled my need
I found my place right next to you
But now it's gone
What I heard was simply this

I'm not in love with you, at all
I'm not in love, oh, that's for sure
So I guess love with you simply goes
I'm not in love, anymore

You dried the tears I cried
Because I lost a friend
You simply said
That's not what grown man do
Well we were young and all we had
We always shared
This first goodbye, I heard from you

I'm not in love with you, at all
I'm not in love, oh, that's for sure
So I guess love with me comes and goes
I'm not in love, I'm not in love
Anymore, anymore

I'm not in love, anymore

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