Roger Whittaker - It Rains In The Heart Of The Night songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - It Rains In The Heart Of The Night songtext lyrics]

Oh, it rains in the heat of the night
Yes, it rains in the heat of the night
I'm the loneliest one now that your love have gone
And it rains in the heat of the night

And the rain hype's the tears in my eyes
Yes, the rain hype's the tears in my eyes
Why you're walking away - still have so much to say
And the rain hype's the tears in my eyes

I remember so well
The time when I was your men and you my lady
And I still hearing say
What ever happens to us we'll did it trough
But it seems so hard to do
Love is a strange thing, baby
Don't you think that's true?

And it rains in the heat of the night
Yes, it rains in the heat of the night
On the street all alone such a long way from home
Oh, it rains in the heat of the night

On the street all alone such a long way from home
And it rains in the heat of the night

Who's gonna stop the rain
And who's gonna ease the pain?
The one that you going to
Is he longing like I long for you?
Love is a strange thing, baby

And it rains in the heat of the night
Yes, it rains in the heat of the night
I'm the loneliest one now after your love is gone
Yes, it rains in the heat of the night

And the rain hype's the tears in my eyes
Yes, the rain hype's the tears in my eyes
Why you're walking away - still have so much to say
Yes, the rain hype's the tears in my eyes

Yeah, it rains in the heat of the night
It rains in the heat of the night
It rains in the heat of the night

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