Roger Whittaker - Jenny songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - Jenny songtext lyrics]

Jenny was a magical dancer
Danced for the crowed
They took her cares away
Living from day to day
She took the midnight train
Jenny so full of pain
Jenny has gone again

Jenny was a magical actor
Played to the crowed
She couldn't be alone
She didn't need a home
She took the midnight train
Jenny so full of pain
Jenny has gone again

No more this broken heart of yours
No more our feelings touch
But never pause
I've thought about those rivers
You opened up
And I never felt hurt, so deep inside
But here we are

My Jenny laughed with crowd
Told me she had to go
She but on quite the show
She took the midnight train
Jenny so full of pain
Jenny has gone again

Oh, oh, oh... mmh, mmh

She took the midnight train
Jenny so full of pain
Jenny has gone again

No more this broken heart of yours
No more will fingers touch
And beg for more
I've never felt this anger
So deep inside
I'm broken in your heartache
But not enough!

Jenny was a magical dancer
Danced for the crowed
They took her cares away
Living from day to day
She took the midnight train
Jenny so full of pain
Jenny has gone again

Oh, Jenny has gone again

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