Roger Whittaker - Lonely songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - Lonely songtext lyrics]

Lonely, I'd be lonely

Lonely, I'd be lonely
I'll never walk away, I'll never let you down
I'll never make you cry, I'll never let you frown
I'd be lonely

Lonely, I'd be lonely

I'll never leave your life, I love you far too well
Just what you mean to me, no, no more words can tell
I have you next to me, so every day's a special day
I never say goodbye, I never want to hear you say
I am lonely

Lonely, I'm so lonely
I am a part of you, you are a part of me
I'll never let you go, I'll never set you free
I'd be lonely

Lonely, I'd be lonely
I'd be lonely
Lonely, I'd be lonely

I'll never leave your life, I love you far too well
Just what you mean to me, no, no more words can tell
I have you next to me, so every day's a special day
I never say goodbye, I never want to hear you say
I am lonely

Lonely, I'd be lonely, lonely, I'd be lonely
Lonely, I'd be lonely, lonely, I'd be so lonely
Lonely, I'd be lonely, lonely, I'd be lonely

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