Roger Whittaker - She Believes In Me songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - She Believes In Me songtext lyrics]

While she lay, sleeping
I stay out, late at night and play my song
And sometimes, all the nights can be so long
And it's good when I finally make it home, all alone

While she lies, dreaming
I try to get undressed without the light
Then quietly, she says, "How was your night?"
And I come to her and say, "It was all right", and I hold her tight

And she believes in me
I'll never know just what she sees in me
I told her, someday, if she was my girl
I could change the world with my little songs, I was wrong

But she has faith in me
And so I go on, trying faithfully
And who knows, maybe, on some special night
If my song is right, I will find a way

While she lies, waiting
I stumble to the kitchen for a bite
Then I see my old guitar in the night
Just waiting for me like a secret friend and there's no end

While she lies, crying
I fumble with a melody or two
Then I'm torn between the things that I should do
Then she says, to wake her up when I am through
God, her love is true

And she believes in me
I'll never know just what she sees in me
I told her, someday, if she was my girl
I could change the world with my little songs, I was wrong

But she has faith in me
And so I go on, trying faithfully
And who knows, maybe, on some special night
If my song is right, I will find a way while she waits
While she waits for me

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