Roger Whittaker - Shimoni songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - Shimoni songtext lyrics]

Shimoni, oh Shimoni
You'll have to find the answer
And the answer has been written down
In Shimoni, Shimoni
We have to find the answer
And the answer has been written down
In Shimoni, Shimoni, Shimoni, Shimoni

There's a hole in the side of Africa
Where the walls will speak if you only listen
Walls that tell a tale so sad
That the tears on the cheeks of Africa glisten
Stand and hear a million slaves
Tell you how they walked so far
That many died in misery
While the rest were sold in Zanzibar

Shimoni, oh Shimoni
You'll have to find the answer
And the answer has been written down
In Shimoni, Shimoni
We have to find the answer
And the answer has been written down
In Shimoni, Shimoni, Shimoni, Shimoni

Africa, you are a sleeping child
Woken by the kiss of liberty
I feel the power of yesterday's madness
I feel the fear of the yet to be
I feel the power of yesterday calling
I feel the power that's been set free
I feel the pain and fear surround me
Listen to the story that the walls tell me

Shimoni, oh Shimoni
You'll have to find the answer
And the answer has been written down
In Shimoni, Shimoni
We have to find the answer
Cause the answer has been written down
In Shimoni, Shimoni, Shimoni, Shimoni

Mother, you may think it's over
Shut your eyes and walk away
I tell you it's just begun
And somebody will have to pay for Shimoni, Shimoni
You'll have to find the answer
Cause the answer has been written down
In Shimoni, Shimoni
We have to find the answer
And the answer has been written down
In Shimoni, Shimoni, Shimoni, Shimoni
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

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