Roger Whittaker - Simply Friends songtext (lyrics)

[Roger Whittaker - Simply Friends songtext lyrics]

Over and over again you keep asking for prove
And over and over again I keep telling the truth
If you stay a moment to close please be kind
There's an answer that I know looked in my mind

We're simply friends what more can we do
Simply friends just me and just you
Simply friends that dream a dream of love forever

Simply friends that's all what we are
Simply friends who love from afar
Simply friends that spend their lonely times together - together

Over and over again we get trapped in the past
And over and over again you know nothing can last
Life goes on and what done is done - it can't be changed
Take my hand and I lead you the way

We're simply friends what more can we do
Simply friends just me and just you
Simply friends that dream a dream of love forever

Simply friends that's all what we are
Simply friends who love from afar
Simply friends that spend their lonely times together - together

Together - oh, together
Together - oh, together

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