Shai Linne - Washer Warning lyrics

[Shai Linne - Washer Warning lyrics]

I am not given to flattery i
Believe that flattery is a sin
A dark sin that does no
Help to the hearer but
I have met with men in the last two
Days that were men who did not
So much have a passion for
A style of music as
They had a passion for God and the truth
Of God and everything, without that
Absolutely everything that would
Be done here would be vanity, and foolish
And useless but the fact of the matter is
Some of the words that I
Heard spoken here in the
Songs were truth the type of
Truth that this country
Needs, the type of truth this world needs
The type of truth that the church needs i
Came here thinking that I
Would hear hip hop i came here thinking that

I would hear rappers i heard
Preaching i heard preaching
And I heard a respect for the truth
And a desire to communicate it i
Especially appreciated - for those
Of my generation who might wander
Off the street unknowingly and
Come into a place like this
I appreciated the words being
Put on the screen because then
Even I could understand

I would call what's going
On here something that
I use quite frequently: the Gideon's call it
Seems that God will take the least expected
Thing and use it for a mighty
Thing my whole life has been based on that:
God taking the runt of the litter
God taking that which is not, that which
Is despised, that which is unable
And using it and filling it with
The power of God let's
Look at this for a moment every one of us
Who is Christian was found by God to be
Vile and our best works was not- were nothing
More than filthy rags but He saved us, and
He cleaned us
And He uses us as instruments for His glory
In such a way that even angels
Long to trade places with us the art form
You're doing here: what is it known for
In the world? It is known for
Sin and immorality it is
Known to be vile and to
Cause destruction but yesterday and today
I saw the same thing happen to
A music form that has happened
To my life god has taken it
Cleaned it off, made in new
And filled it with life but let me give you a
Warning that's very important as a
Preacher I know this: whenever
Eloquence is more important than
The words spoken there
Is no power and whenever a
Music medium becomes more
Important than the truth it
Seeks to communicate
It's useless now I didn't see that
Here, I I stayed up last night 'til almost
Three in the morning with a group of
Men and I was absolutely
Amazed i couldn't even
Sleep this morning because I was saying
"Lord what a privilege it was for me to
Be in the midst of a group of
Young men that You're raising up
That believe the ancient ways they're saying
The exact same truth and they're
Speaking to a people that
Spurgeon could not reach, and
Edwards could not reach
Whitfield could not reach"

I applaud what's being done here i came here
Only to be a spectator to see, "God
Are You in
Any of this?" But in the hearts of the men
And the words of the music, I am greatly
Greatly encouraged i'll only warn you: it
Is so hard to be
A true preacher of the gospel and it is so
Hard, to live out the truth that
We proclaim to others but
That is the task for every
One of you who rap
For every one of you involved in
This you have a special stewardship from God:
You must be holy you must follow
Him- don't you know that because of what
You're doing, people, even good Christians
Are waiting and looking for you to fall?
They're looking for you to do
Something that will prove that this was
Not a medium chosen by God

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