ENDØFWØRLD - Ammunition songtext (lyrics)

[ENDØFWØRLD - Ammunition songtext lyrics]

You know im going to win this fight
You know i do this every night
You know im going to win this fight
You know i do this every night
Pulling up with the ammunition
They can't fuck with me i got the vision
Got the pack on me i got the vision
Got the pack on me i got the vision

Used to fuck with me can't fuck with me now
Used to hate on me
They can't fuck with the style
Baby i had to cut my ties
Maybe one day they'll realize- ize
One day i will die

You know im going to win this fight
You know i do this every night
You know im going to win this fight
You know i do this every night
Pulling up with the ammunition
They can't fuck with me i got the vision
Got the pack on me i got the vision
Got the pack on me i got the vision

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