​d1v, ENDØFWØRLD - Bleeding songtext (lyrics)

[​d1v, ENDØFWØRLD - Bleeding songtext lyrics]

I've been bleeding
I’ve been needing your love
I don't wanna leave this, I just wanna trust
Goooooo,  i've been thinking about u when
I’m driving on the road
You already know that I want you for my soul
For my soul

I've been bleeding
 i've been needing your love
I don't wanna leave this, I just wanna trust
Dancing in the seasons love & the lust
You give me a reason to wake up
I've been bleeding
I've been needing your love
I don't wanna leave this, I just wanna trust
Goooooo, i've been thinking about u when
I’m driving on the road

Everybody say why that kid always silent
Every time i break to pieces
Everybody is silent gave you everything
That you ever wished
Tell me that she want me
Walking in the store Prada on me
I don’t wanna know what you been up to
Cause i'm always running chains on my jeans
I got the money but i’m always numbing
Said you that it broke you
But that was not the cause
Everyone will tell me that i
Should take it off
Every time we say we truly in love
Louis around the waist to give you my love
You smell like Chanel
Take what you want from me stay inside
Baby move on to me
Breaking the silence tonight
Speeding my way through the night
I was just thinking bout life
I just wanted some time

I just wanted some time yeah
Don't you know?

I've been bleeding
I've been needing your love
I don’t wanna leave this, I just wanna trust
Dancing in the seasons love & the lust
You give me a reason to wake up
I've been bleeding
I've been needing your love
I don't wanna leave this, I just wanna trust
Goooooo, i've been thinking about u when
I'm driving on the road

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