FILO (DEU), Tuffy - Remember songtext (lyrics)

[FILO DEU, Tuffy - Remember songtext lyrics]

First impressions, first time, first tries
Learning how to tell truth from lies
Learning how to love, take, and give
Our priority and life is to live

We'll remember the day
We’ll remember the day
We'll remember the day
We'll remember the day
We’ll remember the day

Flying high, hitting lows
No idea where tomorrow's trips will go
Which road or which path we'll take
Right now, we're just living for our own sake

We take sips, light cigarettes up
They burn in flames, our bitter sweet regrets
Today's ashes will be gone tomorrow
Today's happiness will be the future sorrow
We take sips, light cigarettes up
They burn in flames, our
Bitter sweet regrets, oh
Today's ashes will be gone tomorrow
Today's happiness will be the future sorrow

We’ll remember the - be the future sorrow

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