Itchy Poopzkid - Darkness songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - Darkness songtext lyrics]

Darkness is taking over now

We're called out to the darkest place
We're at the end of our longest day
And nothing left to keep or understand
We turn off the lights and sounds again
And then we just keep moving on
And then we just keep doing wrong
If you want just put the blame on me
Let's go and face our destiny

No time for apologies
Let's burn our history
Of mortal agony
Darkness is taking over
No time for apologies
Let's burn our history
Of mortal agony
Darkness is taking over now

Walked out into the rain
Walk out of my life and then
Immediate temptation
To go back but don't
I been through this long before
So this will hurt no more
And once again the blame's on me
I let go and face my destiny

No time for apologies
Let's burn our history
Of mortal agony
Darkness is taking over
No time for apologies
Let's burn our history
Of mortal agony
Darkness is taking over now

No time for apologies
Let's burn our history
Of mortal agony
Darkness is taking over
No time for apologies
Let's burn our history
Of mortal agony
Darkness is taking over now

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