Itchy Poopzkid - In My Head songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - In My Head songtext lyrics]

Save your breath
I don't wanna hear it
Do your best
And keep biting your lip

This is not for real, it only
Happens in my head
This misleading voice has always
Been my major threat

Whoa, it is only in my head
Whoa, no more reason to play dead
Here comes a brand new lesson
Break it in like a concession now
Whoa, it is only in my head

Stuck inside
A cloud of memories
Can't deny
My own morbidity

This time, you will fall on deaf ears
Out of mind and sight
I got rid of my shadows
By turning out the lights

Whoa, it is only in my head
Whoa, no more reason to play dead
Here comes a brand new lesson
Break it in like a concession now
Whoa, it is only in my head

All these walls around me, I have
Built up by myself
All the handy cuts I've got
Were born in here as well

All these walls around me, I have
Built up by myself
All the handy cuts I've got
Were born in here as well

All these walls around me, I have
Built up by myself
All the handy cuts I've got
Were born in here as well

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