Itchy Poopzkid - Heads On Fire songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - Heads On Fire songtext lyrics]

(Get up!

Wake up, it's a quarter to five
On a rainy Monday afternoon, yeah
I'm not were I supposed to be
No one's helping me to make it true

So I sit and I stare been lost everywhere
Feeling my computation on everyday
But I wanna go out
Checking the hands in the ground
And play, yeah

Heads on fire, that's what I been looking for
Heads on fire, I can't take it anymore
Heads on fire, is the only thing I adore
And that's what I been looking for
Deep down I looses what I need
Then will be current me to come back strong, oh
Clear memories inside my head
They keep on telling me were I belong

But my brain is too fake
And I get a break
When down is grown and around again
I'm a mess I'm none do what I did back than, yeah

Heads on fire, that's what I been looking for
Heads on fire, I can't take it anymore
Heads on fire, is the only thing I adore
And that's what I been looking for
Heads on fire
Heads on fire
Heads on fire is the only thing I adore
And that, yeah

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