Itchy Poopzkid - The Flavor Of The Night songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - The Flavor Of The Night songtext lyrics]

The light of day, it blinds my eyes and casts a cloud right over me
Shadows do not exist at night and colors can shone easily
It used to be unknown but I made up my mind and here's the facts
The day is yours, the night is mine, wait for the dusk and I'll be back
I will be back

When the city sleeps I melt away from here
To taste the flavour of the night
When the city sleeps I melt away from here
To see the darkness turn to light
The flavour of the night

I'm wide away I feel like I am rising from the ashes
Adrenaline starts rushing through my veins, I'm ready to get out
Time to get out

When the city sleeps I melt away from here
To taste the flavour of the night
When the city sleeps I melt away from here
To see the darkness turn to light
The flavour of the night

We all taste the flavour of the night
We all taste the flavour of the night

The shadows drift away (too far to see)
The night belongs to me

When the city sleeps I melt away from here
To taste the flavour of the night
When the city sleeps I melt away from here
To see the darkness turn to light
The flavour of the night

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