Itchy Poopzkid - The Perfect Hate songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - The Perfect Hate songtext lyrics]

A thousand times I heard you saying those words of wisdom
Telling me how stupid, selfish, fucked up I am

Some try to pull me down
Some don't like me somehow
But everyone keeps pushing me around

I've been told I'm a loser, I'm an idiot, I'm a dork
They say I should go, make up my mind and start to work
They hate my behaviour, my appearance and my face
Seems like it's so hard appreciating my ways

Explanations you won't get, don't even try to
Coz' this is my world, my head, my mind, there's no room for you

Some try to put me down
Some don't like me somehow
But everyone keeps pushing me around

I've been told I'm a loser, I'm an idiot, I'm a dork
They say I should go, make up my mind and start to work
They hate my behaviour, my appearance and my face
Seems like it's so hard appreciating my ways

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