Jesu, Sun Kil Moon - Wheat Bread lyrics

[Jesu, Sun Kil Moon - Wheat Bread lyrics]

March 20, 2016
Walkin' back from breakfast with Caroline and
We stopped for iced tea
A fan stopped me on Decatur and
Said that she recognised me
I asked where she was from
She said "don't worry, not Planet Crazy"
I said "then where are you
From?", and she said "Denver, colorado"
I asked if she was involved with
Anyone and she said no
I said "this side I've been playing
Denver for over two decades
And I've never met a person in my life
From there who wasn't in a relationship"
She said I was right

And that she moved there a few weeks ago
And everyone she's met so far is coupled up
And she's still getting to know Denver
Colorado i said "well, you're young", she
Said "not that young, i'm 31"
I said "like I said, you're young"
I introduced her to Caroline and she
Said she heard her name
In a lot of my songs many times
She was polite and kind and not intrusive
I asked her what brought her to New
Orleans and she said she was
On a road trip and it was
A good stop down from Texas
I was just in Texas too, but I
Didn't mention it, I just said "oh
That's cool"
Some good things come from Texas
Like Daniel Johnston and the Butthole Surfers
But the best thing to come out
Of Texas is Jack Johnson, the boxer
No, not the surfer musician
I'm talking about the first

Black heavyweight champion
The turn-of-the-century fighter who had more
Balls than China has plates
More balls than me or you
Or anyone listening to this
Piece of music currently living
In the United States
When he went to Australia he
Didn't have the luxury
Of complaining that it took
Eighteen hours by flight
He didn't even complain that by boat it
Took maybe sixty days and nights
He fought his rounds
Came back with the heavyweight title
There's a great book on
Him by Teresa Runstedler
And even an album dedicated to
Him by Miles Davis
I'm just back from Texas where I
Played a South by Southwest showcase
And here's what people said to me:
"Hey Mark, did you hear that David
Bowie liked your music?" "Hey Mark
How come you only get to
Play for 40 minutes?"
"Hey Mark, I came all the way from Ireland"
"Hey Mark

Why is the show delayed two hours?"
"Hey Mark, when is Universal Themes coming
Out on vinyl?" "Hey Mark, when is Jesu
Sun Kil Moon coming out on vinyl?"
"Hey Mark, is Steve Shelley playing drums
With you tonight?" "Hey Mark
How's South by Southwest treating
You so far?"
"Hey Mark, are you gonna be in Roadies?"
"Hey Mark
When are you gonna play South Carolina?"
"Hey Mark you were really good in Shopgirl
You friends with Jason Schwartzman? Did you
Get to meet Steve Martin?"
"Hey Mark, when's your next movie?"
"Hey Mark
What are you gonna do after the show?"
"Hey Mark, are you gonna play Gustavo?"
"Hey Mark
Are you gonna play anything from Benji?"
"Please play Carry Me Ohio, please,?"
"Here's a copy of my demo"

Ask all the questions you want to
And I'll be polite
But, I'm thinking "fuck you" ninety
Percent of the time
Not a harsh type of "fuck you"
Just a light little
"I don't-wanna talk-about-me-please
-tell-me-a-little-about you fuck you"
But a drunk girl approached me said "Mark
I don't know you
But, you know me, I mean, you think you know
Me, you think you know me, I mean
You think you know me"
I was like "hmm, what was that
All about, she was original
That's for sure"
There's some original shit that
Happens out there
Out in the rock 'n roll joint
Like I was in bed with these two gothy
Girls once after a show in Florida
When I got up to piss, I came back and
They were putting their clothes
On really fast, all nervous and freakin' out
I was like "where are you going?"
And they said "there are four of us in here"
And I said "what are you talkin' about
Four of us?"

And they said "trust us, there are
Four of us in here, Mark, and we're leaving"
I was standing there naked and they ran
Past me and opened the door
And I was saying "where in the
Fuck are you guys going?"
They rushed out and I was standing there
Feeling very very alone and all shaken up
Then I was lookin' under the bed
And in the shower and even out the window
For this fourth person
And I didn't see anyone
Those chicks scared the hell out of me

4 AM, March 21st my stomach's been hurtin'
From all the red meat in Texas
So tonight we went strictly vegan
And we ate at a Vietnamese restaurant
Down on Magazine
And during our walk there a friend texted me
He said "hey I'm in New Zealand"
I said "hey I'm in New Orleans"
And we started textin' like a couple of kids
About making music together and
The cost of touring
And blah blah blah blah blah blah
And starting boxing gyms
But when I texted him a few days later
And said that they were playing
His music in a restaurant he didn't reply
He probably thought "fuck you"
Not a harsh "fuck you"
But the kinda "fuck you" I mentioned earlier
He's like me

Not one to bask in hearing about people
Hearing his music in a restaurant
What do you even say to that? "Wow, man
Cool, I love to hear about myself
Send me some more"
Some of us are in it for the ego stroke
And some of us are in
This racket because it's
In our blood and we have no choice
Caroline and I came back and I
Took a hot bath and
I worked on the credit's for
The Sings Favorites album

March 27th, 2016
Seat 14D, United Airlines, Cleveland to SFO
We ate in Akron last night with my
Mother and her boyfriend and friends
It was a very short trip to Ohio
But overall peaceful
And I got to surprise a friend
With a brand new TV and some money
In the form of a cheque
And though she was very tired I convinced her
To take a walk around the block
Which I think did her some good as
She'd been so down on her luck
But, I did funny little dances in
Her living room to entertain her
And played her some music from
My Sings Favorites album
But she wasn't impressed she said "Mark
These songs sound too much
Like the originals"
I said "That's the whole point
That it's for moms and dads and
Little kids and the whole family"
And she said "Well

Did you sing my favorite song
"Float On" by Modest Mouse?"
And I said I did, but she'd have to wait
Her outlook on life seems
To be getting bleaker
And bleaker and bleaker and
Bleaker and bleaker
I wanted to give her something to
Look forward to in the future
Ben was nice enough to give us
A ride to the Cleveland airport
And do a quick photoshoot with
Me at the airport hotel
And when we arrived at the
Sheridan last night in Cleveland
Because I needed a promotional photo
For the Sings Favorites album
Caroline and I fell asleep
Watching the movie Spotlight
About lawsuit's brought against the Catholic
Church for priests molesting children
It was an insightful movie about how
A child can be manipulated
Into being molested
About how it can all start with a dirty joke
And escalate into other things
That I won't say
I can't be a hundred percent sure
But, I think I met a few
Child predators in my day
Nothing I can quite bet a hundred percent
On, but where, in my opinion
The writing was on the wallpaper
I disassociate myself with people like that
And I rank child molesters as the lowest
Form of humanity in the world
Along with mass murderers and terrorists
I'm not a perfect human
And I'm on no superiority trip
But there's a disgusting side to humanity
And that movie

And a few things I've seen in my
Life made me hate the fuckin' world
Just for a little while yeah, that's right
While I watched that movie I
Hated the fuckin' world
Yeah, life can be tough, my friend isn't well
She's downward mentally
Spiritually and physically
And I'm trying to do what I can to help
My father made a comment
"accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative" i'm good at that
But there are negative forces out there
That are hard to prevent
They can sneak up on us out of nowhere
It's hard to ignore that shit
How can we not care?

I gotta ask you something
Do you attract obsessives? I'm just curious
Like when you have interactions with people
Do they make mental notes, or even
Written notes of everything you say
I mean every little thing that you say?
Maybe you know what I'm talking about here
And if you don't i mean this sincerely
Enjoy that part of your life
Do people discuss you as a human?
Or do people discuss you as a product?
I'm a human to most people who know me
But, I fall into the product
Category for the most part, a target
I was born to be a product
Yeah I'm used to that
You wanna hate on me, then hate on me
You got shit to throw at me, then throw it
You wanna punch me in the face
I'm easy to find throw the fuckin' punch
See if you can catch me
Either way, I love you, I really do
I got a lotta love in my heart
I got love for the haters
I even got love for the alligators
Mmm, blackened alligator, oh man
It's the fuckin' best!
This life's a racket where I trained to do
What I've dreamed of since I was five
For anything else, who knows
But maybe nine-to-five ain't so bad
You get to come home every day to your wife
And say "hey did you see the news
Johnny Depp's having a hell of a time"

3-29-2016, 12: 31 am i'm tired
I woke up at Caroline's and had
Trouble gettin' out of bed
Thoughts of Ohio overwhelmed my head
Thoughts of the walk to Caroline's
Place in Telegraph Hill
To my place, at the top of Nob Hill
Saddened me Paul Kantner won't be
At Trieste any more
And I dodged Caroline's old apartment
Which reminds me of when
We first got together after I
Knocked on her door
When I got up, made her bed
And headed up the hill
Stopped at Molinari's at 11 AM
And got the Joe's Special
Fuckin' wheat bread
I fuckin' hate wheat bread trust me
You'll be eatin' boring stuff too when you're
Pushing fifty unless you wanna be dead
I came home to my apartment that
Hasn't been cleaned since last year
I picked up some things, here and there
A keyboardist's coming over tomorrow to
Rehearse for a summer tour
I went to deposit cheques and
The one from New York

Looked like it'd been pulled out of a sewer
The bank teller, she still accepted it
A friend once told me that a
Cheque that I sent him disintegrated
Because it was in his wallet too long
And I thought it was bullshit
And it made me laugh and fuck
Here I was with a twelve thousand dollar
Cheque that was torn in half
I couldn't stop thinkin' of my sick friend
I was so distracted that I ended up
Leaving my wallet behind at the bank
The security guard was chasing me
And yellin' my name
Was I being arrested for something?
What could it be? My wallet was handed to me
By a security guard
Who didn't resemble any cast members
Of the Beverly Hillbillies
I'll just say that
She had a really tough look
But she was polite
And had a really nice smile once I got closer
I ate ramen alone and on the
Way out the kid working there
Asked me why I bought so
Many bottles of water
I didn't want to explain to a
Millenial that I had a 12
Hour rehearsal the next day as it
Would provoke more disingenuous questions
The place had just opened and
Was clearly being told

To be extra friendly to customers
As some kind of shtick
To bring in more business
I'm gonna get my water elsewhere next time
I came home and thoughts of
Ohio were still bothering me
So I created soap operas on my flip-phone
With a few friends to distract myself
Caroline and I met for Chinese
But we took the night
Off from each other as I was so drained
We slept at our own places
The TV's on but it's turned down
My apartment's a fuckin' mess
I unfolded a piece of paper
That's sat there forever
And a pile of hotel and restaurant
Receipts from Europe and Asia
It was a note from someone
Something someone handed me on tour
You wanna know what it said? Fuck you

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #