Robot Chicken - Batman Smells sanoitukset (lyrics)

[Robot Chicken - Batman Smells sanoitukset lyrics]

Scene: On a street
At Christmas time as snow falls with
A Santa ringing a bell for
Charity in the background
Three young boys sing a holiday favorite

Boys: (singing) Jingle Bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg! The Batmobile lost it's

One of the boys, Dougie
Turns and bumps into someone it's the
Caped Crusader himself alongside Robin

Dougie: Batman?

Santa turns
Sees the dynamic duo and quickly
Runs off in a panic

Batman: Keep singing boys
We were learning a lot robin: yeah
I never knew Batman had an odor problem

Batman: (he sniffs under his armpit's) Hmm weird, I don't smell anything do you Dougie?

Batman grabs Dougie's head and stuffs
Forces the boy's face
Into his armpit dougie's muffled
Screams can be heard

Batman: I can't hear you

Batman throws Dougie back to his friends

Dougie: (starting to cry) I want my mommy!

Batman: yeah, me too

Batman and Robin high-five at this
Before Robin steps forward towards
The now frightened boys

Robin: I may be named after a bird
But that doesn't mean I'm dropping eggs

The Boy Wonder suddenly grabs
Dougie's head and
Starts slamming it into his ass-cheek

Robin: You wanna check these
For some eggs? Huh
You see any fucking eggs in there?

Robin lets Dougie go

Boy: We gotta go run! Get out of here!
The three boys start to run down the street

Robin: They're getting away, Batman!

Batman: Not on my watch

Batman presses a button on
His glove suddenly
As the three boys run for it the Batmobile
(which certainly hasn't 'lost
A wheel') arrives and runs them all over

Batman: The rats are scattering

Robin: (pulling out and swinging his Bolo Whip) Holy shit, these motherfuckers aren't going anywhere!

Robin throws the Bolo Whip which wraps
Round one of the boys feet
Tripping him up and
Causing him to land on his face causing
Gruesome injuries batman then
Throws a Batarang
Which lodges it'self firmly in
Dougie's back causing
Him to fall as the boy struggles for life
Batman walks over and throws a
Few more in his back
And a final one in his head
Finishing him off
As the final boy climbs onto the kerb
Robin walks up

Boy: (desperate) Sorry!

Robin: You can tell your dentist I'm sorry

Robin raises his leg and
Kerb-stomps the boy and
As he does, we cut to reality
As a music teacher is telling this
Story to one of the
Young boys in his class as
His horrified classmates listen on

Music Teacher: and the police didn't
Even investigate the
Children's disappearance
As Batman is above the law but please Troy
Keep singing your hilarious version of
'Jingle Bells' and fucking
Up my Christmas program no? All right then
From the top

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