Morten, Nugat - Fu** off songtext (lyrics)

[Morten, Nugat - Fu** off songtext lyrics]

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah don't want the car
Why you keep tellin' me
Things I don't care about
How 'bout I take you to mall
I buy you rings and shit
I give you all the shit
I don't know what you look for
I ain't your boyfriend or something
So leave me alone, leave me alone
Leave me alone don't want the car
Why you keep tellin' me things
I don't care about
How 'bout I take you to mall
I buy you rings and shit
I give you all the shit
I don't know what you look for
I ain't your boyfriend or something
So leave me alone, leave me alone
Leave me alone, ey beat like murder
She gon' have to learn, ya
Street high, word up
We up, Baby, let's turn up beat like murder
She gon' have to learn, ya
Street high, word up
We up, Baby, let's turn up

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