Adonis Dunn - Positivity no negativity letra (lyrics)

[Adonis Dunn - Positivity no negativity letra lyrics]

Negativity back up from my face if you don’t
Wanna be a friend of me
We stay with good vibes around here
Only positivity
Wanna be up in my clique then
You stay true to me
Come here with that stuff and you
Get kicked to the sea
Bringing negative energy I don’t wanna
Be apart of it
No matter the sircumstances I know
I’m not gonna quit
Just went to the dealership and I
Picked my girl up a whip
Just picked her up a whip
If you come round here with that stuff
Then I suggest you better dip
If you negative might just wanna
Leave before you split
Before I fool you once just like
My name is Richard Nixon
Speaking something bad then I
Suggest you better run
All my homies stay strapped stay
Pulling out the guns nah I’m just playing
Positivity is key
You just gotta stick with me
I’m harmless I couldn’t hurt a soul
I’m harmless I couldn’t hurt a soul
But with positivity we can stand
Together not alone if
You need positivity just hmu on my phone
Negativity back up from my face if you don’t
Wanna be a friend of me
We stay with good vibes
Around here only positivity
Wanna be up in my clique then
You stay true to me
Come here with that stuff and you
Get kicked to the sea
Bringing negative energy I don’t wanna
Be apart of it
No matter the sircumstances I know
I’m not gonna quit
Just went to the dealership and I
Picked my girl up a whip

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