Adventure Time - Business Time (Script) lyrics
[Adventure Time - Business Time Script lyrics]
Finn: I found another bike
And more computers what do you got?
Jake: I keep finding baby shoes!
MAN?! And they're all lefties! Sorry
I'm not finding any loot
Finn: Keep it together, chubby
Because I think we found enough
Scrap to finish building our
Gauntlet dock a dock that is also a gauntlet
Jake: Aww building this gauntlet
Dock is hard, man hard work sucks
Finn: Don't be lazy, Jake finn: Huh?
Jake: Incoming iceberg!
Finn: Whoa! That one's huge!
Jake: I got dibs! Ooo i
Hope it's not baby shoes
Finn: Creepy it's a buncha guys
Jake: You know what they remind
Me of? Well-dressed pickles
Finn: Stand back, jake! I'm gonna melt 'em
Outta there! Full charge
Jake: Whoa, don't roast 'em
Man you gotta flambé
Jake: Ah perfecto bon appetit
Finn: Hey! Can you hear me? Hello?
Red-tie businessman: I remember business
Finn: Let go! Let go! Let go!
Red-tie businessman: We are businessmen
Finn: Oooh well, I'm Finn and he's Jake
Jake: What kind of business do you do?
Finn: Nah adventurers don't need any help
Jake: Yes! Help us fix that dock
Red-tie businessman: Dock-ka?
Jake: yeah! Right over there
Red-tie businessman: Yes this dock-ka
Could be more efficient finn: No! Wait!
Finn: Jake
This dock is our fun pie we should
Be the ones to bake it
Jake: But they're begging for it
Finn just look at 'em
Jake: Finn these poor souls are lost without
Jobs we can't ignore their plight finn: Uhh
Businessmen: Woo!
Finn: Well they do seem really happy to do it
Jake: Of course
Man they said they "love work for you"
Finn: Whoa! Jake: Told ya so
Finn: Come on! Let's try it out!
Finn: Maybe you're right
Red-tie businessman: Really? Job?
With ad-ven tur-ers? Jake: yeah, mans!
Finn: Feels weird doing nothing
Jake: Relax, man this is your day off
Finn: Trouble
Dude! Get your axe! I'll get my wha?
Red-tie businessman: Adventure pack
Ready for you finn: Hey, thanks man
Finn: I have to say
Jake my sword is totally
Shiny and stinkin' sharp! Jake: Uh, huh
Finn: Even my shoes feel different not only
Are they clean, I feel radder, faster
More adequate jake: Cool!
Hot Dog Princess: Help! Finn: Don't cry
Hot Dog Princess! Jake and I will
Fend off these battle cubes!
Finn: Man i'm getting tired
Finn: Jake! They don't know how to fight
Jake: These guys are great, right?
Jake: That's cause you had time to rest
Your body and refresh your brain
Jake: yeah! Good work
Finn: Grab all the cubes together!
Jake: Got 'em! Finn: It worked!
Finn: Wake up, Hot Dog Princess you're free
Hot Dog Princess: Oh! Thank you
Finn and Jake! Especially you, finn
Finn: This is awesome! You get a promotion
Fella businessman: Take one for team, too
Jake: Oh lost again! Jake: What's that?
Red-tie businessman: Hero vision
Monitor use satellite
To tell us world problems
Jake: Oh, wow anything going on?
Red-tie businessman: Just small things you
Save stress for big thing
Jake: Freakin' awesome, man
Finn: What are they doing?
Jake: Takin' care of business
Finn: Jake, hit me!
Video game: Mission complete jake: yeah!
Finn: We beat Adventure Master!
Jake: Holy moly!
Finn: We're adventure masters!
Jake: Woo! Yes! Finn: I never knew being fat
And lazy was so rewarding finn: Hey!
Jake: Hold on a sec!
Jake: Man, i am not in the mood
For saving Lumpy Space Princess
Finn: Hey, business dudes!
Finn: What do you guys think?
Red-tie businessman: Hmm just one
Monster we do
Jake: Right we'll just save our
Strength for the big adventures, then
Jake: Ahh nice call, dude
Finn: Imagine how awesome the adventure's
Going to be when
It's time for us to go out there
Jake: I'm too tired to imagine stuff
But, I bet you're right
Finn: Oh, gosh
A voice in the distance: Help us!
Finn: Huh? Jake! Did you hear that?
Jake: yeah let the businessmen handle it
A voice in the distance: Help! Please!
Finn: I heard it again
Jake: businessmen, dude
A voice in the distance: Heeeeeelp!
Finn: Jake! We messed up! The
Businessmen have gone bat-crazy, dude!
You lazy plug-hole! Finn: Guys, stop it!
Red-tie businessman: Stop what, boss?
Finn: You're jacking up those Fuzzy Friends!
Red-tie businessman: But we're being
Heroes like you
Boss we're protecting them collecting them in
Our care-sack so they cannot
Be hurt it's the most efficient
Way to save people
Finn: But, you're making them unhappy
Red-tie businessman: Irrelevant! These people
Are in our
Care-sack their happiness is not priority
Finn: I am your boss! And
You guys are all fired!
Red-tie businessman: Fi-red?
Finn: Nooo! Alright
Guys now I've gotta take you down finn style
Finn: I'm kicking your care-sack, dudes!
Jake: Finn? Whoa crud
Jake: I'm comin' buddy!
Jake: Ahh i'm so fat
Dude I don't know what to do
Jake: What? Why?
Finn: Do it, man! I have a legit plan!
Jake: Huh? They're sucking me up, dude!
Finn: Now, eat that ice cream
Some more to become fatter
While also using your Stretchy
Powers to grow huge! Jake: This sucks
Finn: yeah
Dude! Keep growin'! You're breaking
Apart their robot! Jake: Oh, no!
Finn: Wait
Man! Wait! I wanna re-hire you guys!
Red-tie businessman: Re-hire? Really?
Finn: yeah, mans businessmen: Woo hoo!
Fuzzy Friends: Yay! Hip-hip hooray! Pancakes!
Jake: So, wait what'd you hire them to do?
Finn: I hired them to stuff themselves in
That iceberg and get outta here
Finn: Aww! Aww