Аквариум - The Angel Calling текст песни

[Аквариум - The Angel Calling текст песни]

It's always like this -
Somebody puts some gunpowder into my brain
Into my brain -
And then waits for the spark.

And I say to myself -
Come on now, do you really have to be that insane?
Be that insane -
Than off I go...

Suppose I was made of steel
I'll find myself a magnet
And I'll call it your name
Call it your name
And then paint it bright;

And you'll destroy me with light
You'll burn me to cinders with your hands on my wheel -
Your hands on my wheel
And then off I'll go.

All in all - it's another step to heaven
And in heaven it's easy to see -
It was the angel, that's calling me
It was the angel, and I just did what he said;

It was the angel, and I'm satisfied
It was the angel, and I cri.ed and I cried
And I tried and I tried
And I can't get you out of my head

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