Amelia Moore - Annabelle songtext (lyrics)

[Amelia Moore - Annabelle songtext lyrics]

She's always been the youngest
She’s always been the one who's first to cry
She's dancing in the dark
Only six years old but she knows
How to put up a fight

A princess who’s never seen her kingdom

Annabelle, you are my sunshine
You've been through Hell
I wish you had a better life
You feel all alone in a
House that you don't own
I wish it was easy as
The freckles on your cheeks
But Annabelle, you mean the world to me

Now, I've always been the youngest
I know what it's like to want to be loved
I tried dancing in the dark
So no onе would notice
That I don't feel like I'm enough
I don't feel likе I’m enough

Kingdom who’s never her princess

Annabelle, you are my sunshine
You've been through Hell
I wish you had a better life
You feel all alone in a
House that you don’t own
I wish it was easy as the smiles on your face
But Annabelle
I hope you never leave this place

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