Animus - Open Up the Gates of Hell songtext (lyrics)

[Animus - Open Up the Gates of Hell songtext lyrics]

Liar, hater, disbeliever creator of crime
Lost dreams of all believers
Messenger of evil darkens dead conceivers
No reality no sense death dawns you

Demons daunt you satan seeks you
Death stalks you devotion devours you

Open up the gates of hell
The testament of time will tell
Born to die stay to burn sorcerer of sorrow

Preacher of pain evil reigns
It's a concept o corruptions dead mans gain
Thief of the night insanity breathes Life
To love is to hate satan commands you
Darkness is light faith isn't belief

Devotion devour you satan seeks you
Death stalks you demons teach you

Prophet of power malice of absence
It's a concept of corruption dead man's gain
Mercenary of madness to love is to hate
Satan commands you darkness is light
Faith isn't belief

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