Arca, Oneohtrix Point Never - Lude lyrics

Arca [Alejandra Ghersi Rodríguez] Caracas,Venezuela/Barcelona, España 🇻🇪 🇪🇸
[Arca, Oneohtrix Point Never - Lude lyrics]
Em tuve un sueño en que estábamos mirando
A un horizonte Mirando hacia un horizonte y
El horizonte nos envolvía 360
Grados Mientras comíamos una
Fruta que olía como el mar
El horizonte era como en luces
pero negativas que absorbían la
Luz que emanaba
Yo Ale, it's Daniel
Um i had this really weird dream
Last night about a garden sanctuary
Where we were growing sounds and
We would harvest some
And eat them at a big dining
Room table in this greenhouse
And beyond the garden and then
Just underneath the stars
Were hills looked like these
Hunched over giants
And we were laughing because their
Shadows looked like psoriasis
And we would just sit and laugh and be
Happy knowing they were looking over us
So yeah
I think we should make a we should try
To make a patch together one day
We can call it "Starlit Psoriasis" and it
Can sound really hollow and celestial
It should also be really bright and abject
Ok, love you peace i hope you're doing good
Bye diva Experimental FM