Arturo Meza - The end of destruction letra de (lyrics)

[Arturo Meza - The end of destruction letra de lyrics]

Love is freedom and the
War governments falling down
Love is people and free is your earth
And your hand never more become alone
And your hand never more become alone

Love, love, love, love, love, love
Love is real and rich it is your earth
And your song is again my song
And your song is again my song

Love, love, love, love, love, love
Peace is love and love is peace
Peace is love and love is peace
Love, love, love, love, love, love

Love is freedom and the
War governments falling down
Love is people and free is your heart
And your hand never more become alone
And your hand never more become alone

Love, love, love, love, love, love
Love is will and rich it is, your heart
And Your son is again my son
And The future is a present now

Love, love, love, love, love, love
Peace is love and love is peace
Love is peace and peace is love

Love is freedom and the
War governments falling down
Love is people and free is your earth
And your hand never more become alone
And your song is again my song

Love is freedom and the
War governments falling down
Love is people and free is your heart
And your hand never more become alone
And your hand never more become alone

Love is freedom and the
War governments falling down
Love is will and rich it is your earth
And your song is again my song
And your song is again my song

Love, love, love, love, love, love
Peace is love and love is peace
Love is peace and peace is love

Peace is love and love is peace
Love is peace and peace is love

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