AUGUST 08 - Y’all Niggas lyrics
[AUGUST 08 - Y’all Niggas lyrics]
Y'all niggas really be out here
In love and shit
I mean, I'm happy for y'all
Don't get me wrong
I want it too
Y'all niggas have this idea
That we're supposed
To be in love right now
Getting on with our lives lives, but how?
When we hardly even know ourselves?
When were niggas gonna tell
Us that mid-twenties was
All about getting to truly know yourself
All over again?
Getting to know yourself again
Even after figuring out that
Everyone will hurt
You at some point in this lifetime
They never warned us about the feeling of
Constantly standing in the rain alone
Having to constantly remind myself that
I cannot control everything
Struggling to silence my mind
And find release
'cause at any moment I might explode
Y'all niggas don't know what it's like
To have an inexhaustible heart
My shit is unable to be used up
Because my heart exists in abundance
It's hard to be myself and live behind that
I just wonder sometimes
What it is that I'm doing wrong?
Where is my love