Ayreon - Phase 1: Singularity lyrics

[Ayreon - Phase 1: Singularity lyrics]

The Singularity (Part I)

-8: 49 this morning-

The dew of morning still glistens
On the salt grass
That grows along the foundation
Of the old lighthouse
It isn't in active service anymore
But has been renovated to serve
As a private dwelling
High in the tower inside
A young man is slumped on the floor
In the corner of the room
Apparently in some kind of trance
Somebody has put a blanked over him

He is deadly pale, but the steady
Almost imperceptible rise and fall
Of his chest
Shows that he still clings to life

Standing next to him are a young
Woman and an older man
Both are obviously shocked and distressed

Their frequent glances toward the door
Give the impression that they're waiting
For someone who is yet to arrive

On the wall next to them is a blackboard
Covered with impenetrable
Mathematical equations
The older man is holding a
Crumpled piece of paper
It appears to be a note scribbled
In haste by an unsteady hand
What follows here is the
Story of what happened

Teacher: Will we ever understand
This complex genius this visionary thinker?
Will we ever get this close again?
Uniting the forces of our universe?

Girl: Will we ever understand
His isolation or his sense of wonder?

We will never get this close again?
It's been too long i think he's gone

The Singularity

-11 years earlier-

The Father, a brilliant scientist
Has devoted his life to finding
The Theory of Everything
The equation that will fully explain
And unite all physical forces of the universe
He's obsessively working day and night
Unaware that his wife and introverted son
Need far more attention that he
Has been giving them

The Mother has always supported
Her husband's scientific pursuit's
But the strain of dealing with
Their asocial child's special needs
Has worn her down to the point of desperation

Father: I'm so close to the answer!
A dazzling symphony of cosmic strings

I feel the pulse vibrating just out of reach
The music of space!

One single master equation
Unification of the great and small

I hear the notes
But the arrangement is wrong
I'm starting to doubt
But, I can't give up now, I'm so near

Mother: Can't you see
That I need you out here
And what about our boy?

I think he's got something to give
What secrets lie beyond these hollow eyes?

Father: I'm sorry
You feel neglected but, it's clear
That you don't understand!

I'm aware and I want to be there
I just need some more time
For the answer is blindingly near

Mother: Are you trying to drive us away
Just when we need you most?

You might find he's got something to give
What secrets lie beyond these eyes?

The Singularity

The son is so withdrawn because
His mind is overwhelmed
By analyzing the chaotic stimuli of
The world around him
And the mathematical patterns he
Sees in everything, even in nature

His brain seems to operate on a
Completely different level than
Other people's
There is something very special about him

The Singularity

The Mother is determined to
Connect with the Prodigy
But he is completely unresponsive
He is simply incapable of
Relating to her emotionally
Even though on some level he wants to

Mother: Talk to me!

Prodigy: I know you're there
But, I won't see you i hear your voice
But it can't reach me

Mother: Let me in!

Prodigy: It all seems so trivial
In the scheme of things

Mother: Talk to me!

Prodigy: I feel your touch
But it can't move me i hear your words
But they confuse me

Mother: Let me in!

Prodigy: It all comes to nothing
In the scheme of things

Patterns emerge in nature's dance
Numbers are born in the wheel of chance

Why do I see this? What does it mean to me?

A grand design in all it's majesty
Vibrating strings quantum gravity

Why was I chosen? What does it mean to me?
Tell me why!

-7 years ago-

As the students work on a
Test in science class
A gust of wind from the open window
Blows a paper full of math
Equations off the Teacher's desk
Unnoticed by the teacher
It lands at the Prodigy's feet

Already having finished the test
He picks up the paper
His face lights up as he begins writing

Teacher: I can't believe
This can't be true how could you know?

I've tried to solve this
For as long as I recall

This is your work? Be honest now
How did you do it?

I'm not angry, boy!
But, I really need to know

Prodigy: I'm sorry, sir
I can't explain it's the way
I've always been

You see the numbers just appear
Before my eyes

Rival: Don't believe him, no!
He is envious! I've felt it from the start

In every class i've always been the genius
And he just wants to be like me

Don't let him deceive you
He's nothing but a fake a sad pretender
Trying to take my place

Don't let him deceive you
He's nothing but a fake a sad pretender
A total waste of space

Why is the Rival constantly
Bullying the Prodigy?
And why is the Girl compelled to protect him?

Girl: Why do you torment him
Are you jealous? There must be a reason
You're so cruel

What have you got against him
Does he scare you?
What did he ever do to you?

Rival: Oh, no, I can't believe
You're falling for this loser
Oh, no, I thought you knew
That I am so much cooler!

Girl: Why do you despise him
Are you frightened? Are you being driven
By your pride?

I think you feel threatened
By his brilliance but still you admire him
Deep inside

Rival: Oh, no, I can't believe
You're falling for this loser
Oh, no, I thought you knew
That I am so much cooler!

Oh, no, I always thought
That we should be together
Oh, no, I really think
That you can do so much better

The Teacher visit's the Father
Bringing him surprising news about his son

Teacher: I’m glad you could meet me
I’m here about your son
I’ve never seen a mind like his
Especially so young

He’s got a gift for numbers
Never known before an outstanding genius
Who shouldn’t be ignored

Father: You must be mistaken
He’s useless and he’s weak
I see no sign of genius
The boy can hardly speak

He just sit's there lifeless
For hours at a time
No expression on his face
His eyes staring into space!

Teacher: How can you
Be so heartless? There must be so much more
That we can do

Father: Who are you to judge me?
You don’t even know what we’ve been through!

Teacher: Just give him more attention
You’ll see there’s more to him
Than meets the eye

Father: Fine, I’ll try to help the child
Better not be wasting my time!

-5 years ago-

The Prodigy wants to improve his
Relationship with his Father
But doesn't know how to reach out

Prodigy: Are you trying to drive me away
Just when I need you most?
I think I’ve got something to give
I just don’t know how

The Mother and the Father agree to enlist
An outside expert to help with their son
But their motivations to do so
Couldn't be more different

Mother: We need to take him to therapy
Help him function in society

Father: It's worth a try, who knows
He could help me complete
The Theory Of Everything

Mother & Father: A future to build
A role to fulfill something to give
A reason to live

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