Blitz The Ambassador, Y’akoto, 20Syl, Emicida - Respect Mine letra (lyrics)

[Blitz The Ambassador, Y’akoto, 20Syl, Emicida - Respect Mine letra lyrics]

Yo, brothers respect mine
Yo, brothers respect mine
Yo, brothers respect mine

They say the life is 'bout
The journey not the destination
This what I bring is the elevation
The mind of a mad rapper
Lines on a paragraph tied to a polygraph
What I spit is the truth
Some of us think is fake it until make it
Scratching lottery tickets with hope the
One who will take make it beyond the stars
But is so call first real
Problems on your neck
Bad credit's, diabetics
Student loans on deck
It's hard to be the dreamer when
You waking up with cold sweats
Prouder like the cleaner when
The world's getting meaner
No differences between you and
The kids in Uganda
Mali, Rwanda, Kenya, Ghana
We all got dreams
Charities we don't need then
Donate a pair of shoes
But can't donate freedom
A jewel for the kids that's
Living outside of rules
If you can change your mind in time
The truth: you'll never lose

(Respect mine) can you see that
This is not alright this is not over
(Yo, brothers respect mine) outside, side
We don't lie (We never lie)

Faut pas que tu taffes dans la
Comm d'un état sans drapeau
Une grosse pomme sans arôme
Un poids dans la paume
Tu as le diable dans la peau
Le blase dans la coke
Tu écrases ton mégot et embrasse ton égo
Comment ne pas commenter l'ironie de nos
Vies en dents de scie?
L'espoir est rare comme l'envie
En temps de crise
L'ambiance triste, l'enfance brève
Les existences se brisent quand
Les gens se pressent
On transgresse poliment, on proteste sagement
On est au courant vaguement
Mais on profite grassement
On est tous des marchands du temple
Clients du temps
Tous des descendants du sample
Des enfants qui font plus ou
Moins semblants d'être grands
Se mentant en se vantant d'être prompts
Ça en jette, non? (Ça en jette, non?)
Un changement maintenant
Mais maintenant c'est quand?

(Respect mine) can you see that
This is not alright this is not over

(Yo, brothers respect mine) outside, side
We don't lie (We never lie)

Mi sangue es latino
Whatup tio? Foca ali em frente
Cores do mar e (ham) salve pra toda gente
De baile a vale ca-ca-caliente
Soy la resistencia por onde me voy
Música como arma bem terrotista
Gravo na alma do povo: não desista
MC rapeiro rueiro, liricista
Viu Rrrr, rrr, rrr Brasil
Subo nas mobilete, sumo, luto com a voz
Black, brilho mais do que ouro
Que roubaram de nóiz
Irmãos pela cor e pelo amor
Feroz Jow, ginga no flow, mandinga veloz
Roots santeria, macumba de periferia
Coisa de preto resistir pelo gueto
South Bronx thank you, Cachoeira I love you
Senegal merci bocu, Blitz ham (Yo) peace

(Respect mine) can you see that
This is not alright this is not over

(Yo, brothers respect mine) outside, side
We don't lie (We never lie)

(they celebrate to my jams in foreign lands)

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