Blond - Book songtext (lyrics)

[Blond - Book songtext lyrics]

You say there's a new great movie
Soon runs in the cinema
You say that it's supposed to be exiting
Everyone loves it

You wanna come with me?
You wanna come with me?
You wanna come with me?
You wanna come with me?

Please let me read the book
Before you show me the movie

I would read, I would read
But I'm illiterate
I would read, I would read
But I am illiterate

You're left alone
You cannot wait, silly boy
All alone you've seen the movie
You were disappointed
You're angry 'cause I didn't come with you
You're angry 'cause the movie was poor
Then you told me the end

Please let me read the book
Before you show me the movie

I would read, I would read
But I'm illiterate
I would read, I would read
But I am illiterate

Don't tell me what will happen
Don't tell me who hates whom

Don't tell me what will happen
Don't tell me who hates whom

Don't tell me what will happen
Don't tell me who hates whom

Don't tell me what will happen
Don't tell me who hates whom

I would read, I would read
But I'm illiterate
I would read, I would read
But I am illiterate

I would read, I would read your face
But I'm illiterate i would read your face
But I'm illiterate

I would read, I would read
But I'm illiterate
I would read, I would read
But I'm illiterate

I would read, I would read
But I'm illiterate
I would read, I would read
But I am illiterate

I would read, I would read your face
But I'm illiterate i would read your face
But I'm illiterate

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