Blond - Schmusi songtext (lyrics)

[Blond - Schmusi songtext lyrics]

Your friends your friends i sound nasty
There a new don't be hide your back
You had a high opinion of yourself
So you're fallin low let it go let it go
Let it go let it go

Come on come on let me see your face
I know I'm not your race
I know I'm not your race tell me tell me
Tell me it's true you just forget it too
You just forget it too
Come on come on come on

You have so much friends
But you still allow me
Because there is nobody who tries to
You ask yourself how I am
But you don't know and you don't know

I know i know your friends
I know your friends will be your end i know
I know your friends will be your end
I know I know your friends will be your end
Your end your end

I know your friends will be your end

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