Blond - It-Girl songtext (lyrics)

[Blond - It-Girl songtext lyrics]

A maid is doing my hair
In front of the club there is a pumpkin coach
A maid is doing my hair
In front of the club there is a pumpkin coach
It's ready for me it's ready for me
I've got to go to the
Club because that's my job

I wanna be I wanna be a fuckin' It-Girl

I wanna be I wanna be a fuckin' It-Girl

And all the people say what
Are you going to be i say It's my way
And all the haters they are trying to stop me
I say Let me be

The venom doesn't like me i'm sorry
I've got no more change
Try to flatter him for cheaper drinks
But he doesn't want to he's cruel
I'm leaving the club it's rainin'
I forgot my umbrella-ella
And threw up at the lane

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