Buck 65 - Highway 101 lyrics
[Buck 65 - Highway 101 lyrics]
I reached for the blinker and
Got the windshield wipers
Theres a plastic bag filled
With other plastic bags, obstacles
Fire hydrants, kids eating popsicles
Everyone gets a chance to think
At the traffic lights
Stroke of good luck, horrible sacrifice
Tears of a babysitter, the pout of a model
Saw a kid drinking quantro straight
Out of the bottle
Pullin your gun out, drawin your knife
The worst case of dandruff you
Ever saw in your life
Everyones a poet, numbers equated
Saggy old beach ball under-inflated
Sometimes people don't laugh when
A joke's told
Security guard has a drunk in a choke hold
Listenin for sleighbells, watching the whales
A girl sent me photos of
Her crotch in the mail
Some people only thank god on the fridays
Ice on the highways, the trucks go sideways
Certain thoughts can send chills
Through your body
I heard the mailman sayin he knew karate
Smashed up bike on the street
Makes me wanna cry
Sausage and eggs, and hashbrowns on the side
Yup, when my grandfather drank he drank hard
Hundred year old coke machine
Sittin in the junkyard
Theres a hex on highway 101
Newly weds and grandparents
The 101 is cursed
Fishermen and highschool teachers
What are you givin yourself all
Of this pressure for
Love letters and earrings hidden
In the dresser drawer
A notice taped to the door from the landlord
Gettin hit by a car is not the
Kind of thing you plan for
Watchin the people it's a popular passtime
A woman said her heart's been
Smashed for the last time
Ticket stubs and birthday cards are
Sound of the buzzlight
A guy just payed for a haircut he doesnt like
Theres a hex on highway 101
Newly weds and grandparents
The 101 is cursed
Fishermen and highschool teachers