Burzum - Dauði Baldrs (The Death of Baldr) lyrics

[Burzum - Dauði Baldrs The Death of Baldr lyrics]

Þat er upphaf þessar sogu at Baldr inn
Góða dreymði drauma stóra ok hættliga um
Lif sitt en er hann sagði Ásunum draumana
Þa báru peir saman ráð sín
Ok var þat gert at beiða griða Baldri
Fyrir alls-konar háska
Ok Frigg tók svardaga til þess
At eira skyldu Baldri eldr ok vatn, járn ok
Alls-konar málmr, steinar, jorðin, viðirnir
Sóttirnar, dýrin, fuglarnir, eitr
Ormar en er þetta var gert ok vitat
Þá var þat skemtun Baldrs ok þasanna at hann
Skyldii standa upp á þingum en allir
Aðrir skyldu sumir skjóta á hann
Sumir hoggva
Til, sumir berja grjóti en hvat sem
At var gert, sakaði hann ekki
Ok þótti þetta gllum mikill frami en
Er þetta sá Loki Laufeyjarson þá
Likaði honum illa er Baldr sakaþi
Ekki hann gekk til Fensalar

Til Friggjar ok brá sér í konu líki þá
Spyrr Frigg ef sú kona vissi
Hvat Æsir hgfðusk at
A þinginu hon sagði at allir skutu at Baldri
Ok þat at hann sakaði ekki
Þá mælir Frigg: "Eigi munu
Vápn eða viðir granda Baldri eiða
Hefi ek þegit af
Gllum þeim" Þá spyrr konan: "Hafa
Allir hlutir eiða unnit
At eira Baldri?" Þá svarar
Frigg: "Vex viðarteinungr einn
Fyrir vestan Valholl sá er mistilteinn
Kallaðr sá þótti mér ungr
At krefja eiðsins" Því næst
Hvarf konan á braut
En Loki tók mistiltein ok sleit
Upp ok gekk til þings en Hoðr stóð útarliga
Í mannhringinum því at
Hann var blindr þá mælir Loki við
Hann: "Hví skýtr þú ekki
At Baldri?" Hann svarar: "þvíat ek
Sé eigi hvar Baldr er, ok þat annat at ek em
Vápnlauss" þá mælir Loki:
"Gerðu þó í líking annara manna ok veit
Baldri sæmð sem aðrir menn ek mun vísa þér
Til hvar hann stendr skjót at honum
Vendi þessum" "Hoðr tók mistiltein ok skaut
At Baldri at tilvísun Loka
Flaug skotit í gognum hann ok
Fell hann dauðr til jaðar
Ok hefir pat mest óhapp verit
Unnit með goðum ok monnum þá er Baldr
Var fallinn þá fellusk glumm Ásum
Orðtok ok svá hendr at taka til
Hans, ok sá hverr til annars
Ok váru allir með einum hug til
Þess er unnit hafði verkit
En engi mátti hefna
Þar var svá mikill griðastadr en þá er
Æsirnir freistuðu at mæla þá var
Hitt þó fyrr at grátrinn kom upp
Svá at engi mátti gðrum
Segja með orðunum frá sínum harmi en
Óðinn bar þeim mun verst þenna
Skaða sem hann kunni mesta skynn hversu
Mikil aftaka ok missa Ásunum
Var i fráfalli Baldrs en
Er goðin vitkuðusk þá
Mælir Frigg ok spurði hverr sá væri
Með Ásum er eignask viildi állar astir hennar
Ok hylli ok vili hann ríða
Á Helveg Baldr heim í Ásgard en sá
Er nefndr Hermóðr inn hvati, sveinn Óðins
Er til þeirar farar varð þá var tekinn
Sleipnir, hestr Óðins, ok leiddr fram
Ok steig Hermóðr a þann hest ok hleypti braut

And the beginning of this story
Is that Baldr the good
Dreamed great dreams boding peril
To his life and when he told the Aesir of
The dreams they took
Council together and it was
Decided to request immunity
For Baldr from all kinds of danger
And Frigg received solemn promises so that
Baldr should not be harmed by
Fire and water, iron and all
Kinds of metal, stones
The earth, trees, diseases, the
Animals, birds, poisons
Snakes and when this was
Done and confirmed it
Then became entertainment for Baldr and the
Aesir that he should stand
Up at assemblies and
All others should shoot at him or
Strike him or throw stones at him but
Whatever they did he remained unharmed
And they all thought this a great glory but
When Loki Laufeyiarson saw this he was not
Please, d that Baldr war unharmed he
Went to Fensalir to Frigg
And changed his appearance to that
Of a woman then Frigg
Asked this woman if she knew what
The Aesir were doing at
The assembly she said that everyone
Was shooting at Baldr
And moreover that he was unarmed then
Said Frigg: "Weapons and wood will
Not hurt Baldr i have received
Oaths from them all" Then
The woman asked: "Have all things sworn
Oaths not to hurt Baldr?"
Then Frigg replied: "There grows a
Shoot of a tree to the west of Val hall it
Is called mistletoe it seemed
Young to me to demand an
Oath from" Straight away the
Woman disappeared and Loki the mistletoe
And went to the assembly
Hod was standing at the edge of the circle of
People, for he was blind then
Loki said to him: "Why
Are you not shooting at
Baldr?" He replied: "Because
I cannot see where Baldr is and I have
No weapon" Then said Loki: "Follow other
People's example and do Baldr much honour i
Will direct you to where he
Is standing and you can shoot at him
With this stick" Hod took the mistletoe
And shot at Baldr in Loki's direction the
Missile flew through him and he
Fell dead to the ground and this was the
Unluckiest deed done among the gods and
Men when Baldr had fallen all of the
Aesir's tongues failed them as did
Their hands from lifting him up and they
All looked at each other and were
All one mind toward the one who
Had done the deed but none
Could take vengeance as Val hall was a place
Of sanctuary when the Aesir tried to speak
They were weeping so hard that no words
Came out son none could tell
Could tell another in words of his
Grief but it was Odin who
Took this injury the hardest of all
In that he had the best
Idea as to the amount of deprivation
And loss the death of
Baldr would cause the Aesir when the
Gods came to themselves once more
Frigg spoke and asked who wished
To earn all her love
And favour and was willing to
Ride the rode to
Hel and seek Baldr and to offer Hel a
Ransom for Baldr to return to Asgard hermod
The bold, Odins boy the name of the one
Who undertook the journey then Odins horse
Sleipnir was fetched and led
Forward hemod then
Mounted the horse and galloped away

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