Cash Kyoto - On Ultra songtext (lyrics)

[Cash Kyoto - On Ultra songtext lyrics]

I'm on a new journey
I feel like attorney like I'm in a tourney
We go bump the crowd go rolling loud
I jump in the crowd and make it go wild
We filed a complaint run shit to the bank
And go up a tank and call it a prank
I mean what I said i'm too far ahead
I get sense of dread call that spidey sense i
Make it make sense and use common sense
It's getting intense i don't mean offense
We hop over dense call it self defense
Like a gorilla but no 50 cents
Solo reprise I'm in my disguise
And I'm feeling wise so I earn a prize
And I ran this shit but they just try
And I don't try bro I just do
You try it too we made it thru
Got a new view hot in pursuit
Call up my crew
I'm higher than high so I see
Under skirt of an ant
That shit it go backwards so I
Just don't see the plan
Want something real from a man
So we flew to Japan
Then it began geronimo when I dive
In water it look like a
Duck and I'm just not a swimmer
I'm on a new journey
I feel like attorney like I'm in a tourney
We go bump the crowd go rolling loud
I jump in the crowd and make it go wild
We filed a complaint run shit to the bank
And go up a tank and call it a prank
I mean what I said i'm too far ahead
I get sense of dread call that spidey sense
I make it make sense and use common sense
It's getting intense

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