Chances - Kaleidoscope dalszöveg (lyrics)

[Chances - Kaleidoscope dalszöveg lyrics]

And take me back to the summer when I swore
That I will never let you down once more
We carved no names on the
Bench of our first kiss
So how could we ever live on for centuries?

Act like you mean it like you feel it
Like you hear me at all

And when I look in a dusty snowglobe
All I see is ourselves on
The sunny cold seashore
And (uh) now you’ll be walking down the isle too soon
And I guess this means the end of our cartoon

Act like you mean it like you feel it
Like you hear me at all

Valami épp hullik fentről
Porzik a föld, a szél is kavarog
A múlt nyár csendé lett

Csókoddal árnyként suhanok

Act like you mean it like you feel it
Like you hear me at all

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