Cheriimoya, Sierra Kidd - Living Life, In The Night songtext (lyrics)

[Cheriimoya, Sierra Kidd - Living Life, In The Night songtext lyrics]

Lord knows and I think I
Know it too sometimes every time, man
They reachin' out for what’s mine
Lord knows and I think I
Know it too sometimes every time, man
They reachin' out for what's mine

I’ve been awake for days
So we out livin' life in the night
Pray to God, man, I hope I don't die
I've been awake for days
So we out livin' life in the night
Pray to God, man
I hope I don't die in the night
Lord knows and I think I
Know it too sometimes every time, man
They reachin' out for what's mine
Lord knows and I think I
Know it too sometimes every time, man
They reachin’ out for what’s mine

Two-two-two bedrooms, seven little childs
It can't be right
Call my brother, he in prison doin’ time
But we alright
Tried my best just to catch a fuckin' smile
But for now I see myself
Ain't hittin' the thirty-five

I’ve been awake for days
So we out livin' life in the night
Pray to God, man, I hope I don't die
I've been awake for days
So we out livin' life in the night
Pray to God, man
I hope I don't die in the night
Lord knows and I think I
Know it too sometimes every time, man
They reachin' out for what's mine
Lord knows and I think I
Know it too sometimes every time, man
They reachin' out for what's mine

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