Craig Cardiff - Props to the Peeps lyrics

[Craig Cardiff - Props to the Peeps lyrics]

You've made it to the end
Thanks for listening this is
Craig and I just wanted to take a minute
To thank the people that have
Been involved wish this
Project, and talk a bit about the songs
And all that good stuff

While we're on the topic
I'd like to thank all the
People that've lent their ears
The fans, and promoters, and
Media types who have given a
Push to this whole project
Along the way if it hadn't been for them
It wouldn't have gotten this far

I guess about these songs
It's a collection of
Mostly new material some of it's old
Like "Dance Me Outside" that in the

Most recent bunch of shows
Have just kind of come together
And seemed to all fit i thought it'd be neat
To record them and just
Present them with acoustic guitar and
Vocals keeping it simple

The song "Albion Hotel"
Is, surprise, surprise, about
The esteemed Albion Hotel in Guelph
Ontario directly across from the church on
The hill the Albion is
One of those filthy old bars that
Every town has that's super great
And serves 18 year olds and
All that good stuff yeah
I don't know just a story about a friend
Who was living there for a bit

The song "Dance Me Outside" is about
A native Canadian woman in Brantford
In the 70's who was having some
Problems and blocking the road
And just talking about how she was treated
It's kind of sad given the
Recent stuff that's been happening in
Saskatchewan with police and
Native Canadians there it borrows
A title of Bruce mcDonald's film
"Dance Me Outside" i managed to use the
Words "donut guard state car" in a song
So I was pretty excited about that

Other songs "Happiest" is a song about
When Danielle and I were
Camping at Peggy's Cove that's where
The first line comes from
Just trying to collect thoughts and
Journal them into a song
I guess that's the best thing
To say about "Happiest"

The song "That Band" is mostly
True a bunch of
The lines got written when Paul, and Will
And I were in Cleveland at this folk festival
Performer thing and we were
Watching all these
Amazing players there was Buddy Guy
And just enormously talented people playing
In hotel rooms for festival
Promoters and just how realizing
How big big music
Is, and how it's a business sometimes
It's a necessary evil I guess

The song "Jokes" is just about
It's a silly little love song
And kind of meant to
Make the person you care
About laugh and smile

That's pretty much it there's
A surprise after this
Message, though keep listening it's
A song that, i guess my parents used
To play cassettes for us kids
And one of the cassettes
They bought featured this song
It's kind of like
As children of the 80s we reclaim it a
Little bit and re-present it as folk

I'd like to thank Susan, and Catharine, Liz
And old lady Patootz charlie Cardiff, and
Of course Danielley
Jonathan & Will for listening and
Their patience this past year

Credit also goes out to Paul McInnes and
Paul Matthews for putting up with
Me so long on all these different
Tours and projects the long drives
In the beat up old aerostar and
Falling asleep at the wheel and
Hanging out in smokey bars, bad soundchecks
And peanut butter and beer
And all that good stuff thanks
A lot for sticking around

Lastly to everyone who's ever
Actually listened to
That person in the corner of
The bar with a guitar, when they're
Meant to be background noise, but you
Actually give them your ear or you bought
A CD or a t-shirt from
That band you just heard of when
They were coming through town
Thanks very much

Thanks a lot for listening hope
To see you soon

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