Deathspell Omega - I lyrics

[Deathspell Omega - I lyrics]

"Everything, except GOD, has in it'self
Some measure of privation
Thus all individuals may be graded
According to the degree
To which they are infected
With mere potentiality"

Was there not an inconceivable loss
Of knowledge at Bethlehem?
Christ's abasement
His subjecting Himself to the
Laws of human birth
And growth and to the lowliness
Of fallen human nature
Did the Son remain the transcendent Logos
Is there not a radical
And fatal dicontinuity between
The consciousness
Of the transcendent Logos and
The secular Jesus?
Obedience to the point of death

Falling down through increasing pressure
Into the deathlike region
Of ooze and slime and decay
These are the fruit's and symptoms of
The abasement of the World
The assumption of humanity and the
Simultaneous occultation of Divinity

"And He is before all things
And in Him all things consist" triune GOD
Morphed into a Being of
Apparent theanthropic nature
Deprived of the Light of Splendour
Dost thou still stand in undiminished Majesty
After the exinanition of divine attributes
The face of profound fire gone astray
Exhaling austerities in concealed
Divine radiance?

Kenosis, O theory of great peril!
Blinded, sanguineous eyes and with
A trembling hand
A frail androgynous being holds
The perilous doctrinal balance, robed in a
Maculated garment spattered with the sordid
Blood of the Flagellation
Of the lacerations and fierce wounds
Carved by royal attributes
Of the crimson spurts dripping without end
As was celebrated the High
Mass of the Comforter

Kenosis, O theory of great peril!
Rob GOD of any attribute and
Fill the shattering universe
With the pestilent scent of putrefaction and
The glorious cloud of death
For steadfast, at any cost, He must be
Solely the incarnate Word proclaimed by
All the prophets and apostles
Would have, in dying, an infinite value
Sufficient to atone, by His astonishing work
For the Sins of the world
Res Rapta res Rapienda hast thou
Succumbed to the original malady?
"For being empty himself
He giveth empty answers
To empty enquirers for whatever enquiry
May be made of Him
He answered accordingly to the
Emptiness of the man" in Visceribus
A willing expiatory Victim
Calling constant shame and
Ignominy upon it'self
Was thine irretrievable substance
Still intact in
This Sinai of global Penitence
Dost thou remember thine past Theophanies
The burning bush and the Angel of the LORD?

"In the next place
It never approached an assembly
Of righteous men but avoideth them
And cleaveth to the doubtful-minded and empty
And prophesieth to them in corners
And deceiveth them
Speaking all things in emptiness
To gratify their desires"
Art thou working on collective deliverance?
Observe Merkabah
The chariot of the glory of GOD
Adrift and exiled, the Pilgrim of Light
Grandiose and weeping
Thine aura, compared, is but pale and frail
Alike to the one of an ailing child

Vacillating faith
Thine salvific virtue shall fail to make nil
A cataclysm of Judgement
The suffering of the Just shall
Be aggravated in grotesque proportions
Pillaged, ravaged, overthrown
The realms of warmth and reassurance
Of a maternal womb
Shall disappear gradually under the crumbling
Yoke of Sin and Time
The Advent of Plerosis is the destiny of Man
And shall shatter up to the Heavens
A savage aperture to the High
Mass of the Comforter:
"Therefore, my beloved, as you
Have always obeyed, not only in
My presence, but so much more
Now in my absence
Work out your own salvation
With fear and trembling"

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