Dexter, Maniac - Record Money songtext (lyrics)

[Dexter, Maniac - Record Money songtext lyrics]

Oh, yeah
Can somebody do what? Money! So what?
So i could get some redords for me
Oh, sing i loud now, c'mon
It's best if you do do what? Money! So what?
So i could get some redords for me

Y'all don't need an elevator
We're the elevators elavate you to space

The dust remains on the needle

Oh, can somebody do what? Money! So what?
So i could get some redords for me
Sing i loud now
It's best if you do do what? Money! So what?
So i could get some redords for me

Yo, was juckt mich eine Hoe
Ich geh nicht in den club
Ich shoppe Platten und am Ende bin ich broke

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