Die Toten Hosen - Sheena Is A Punkrocker songtext (lyrics)

[Die Toten Hosen - Sheena Is A Punkrocker songtext lyrics]

Well the kids are all hopped
Up and ready to go they're ready to go now
They got their surfboards
And they're going to the
Discotheque Au Go Go
But she just couldn't stay
She had to break away
Well New York City really has it all oh yeah
Sheena is a punkrocker
Sheena is a punkrocker
Sheena is a punkrocker, now
Sheena is a punkrocker
Sheena is a punkrocker
Sheena is a punkrocker, now
Well she's a punk punk, a punkrocker
Punk punk, a punkrocker
Punk punk, a punkrocker
Punk punk, a punkrocker

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