Dolly Parton - Fish Out of Water lyrics

Dolly Parton [Dolly Rebecca Parton] Pittman Center, Tennessee, U.S. 🇺🇸
[Dolly Parton - Fish Out of Water lyrics]
With this high society
These high fallutin' people
Don't know what to make of me
I feel like a minnow in a sea of Moby Dicks
A small fry in a big pan
They're caviar - I'm fish sticks
Fish out of water i know I don't belong
Fish out of water everything I do is wrong
My style of hair, the clothes I wear
The way I speak, the things I eat
The way I act, my lack of tact
Nothin' seems to fit fish out of water
Floundering round out of my element
But I'm just as good as they are
Why do I feel second rate
It's like, "Sorry Charlie
We want only tuna with good taste"
I guess you could say Wal-Mart
Is quite a way from Gucci's
I'm Timex, they're Rolex
I'm Captain D's, they're sushi
Fish out of water i've had it to the gills
Fish out of water
With these yuppie-guppie frills
Yeah, I'm a square in a round hole
A catfish in a goldfish bowl
A little fish with lots of soul
Out of my element fish out of water
Floundering round just for the Halibut
Save me, save me sOS somebody
Save me, save me somebody rescue me
Fish out of water somebody throw me in
Fish out of water on a scale of one to ten
I'm a two, perhaps a three
Compared to the big fish in the sea
I'm washed ashore so save me please
I'm in an awful fix fish out of water
Rescue me and you better do it quick
Fish out of water it's such a culture shock
Fish out of water my stomach's tied in knots
Fish out of water fish out of water