Eminem, Stefan Raab - TV total Freestyle songtext (lyrics)

Eminem [Marshall Bruce Mathers III] Detroit, Michigan. U.S.

[Eminem, Stefan Raab - TV total Freestyle songtext lyrics]

Here I go, lyrical i have no Idea what I'm
Doin' but I'm spiritual
On the microphone I tear you up in stereo
I'm like the grand wizard, yes
I'm the imperial i have no fuckin' clue what
The fuck I'm doin' but "Freifick, Muschi"
Your whole life is ruined
If you try to step to
Me your life's in jeopardy
'Cause I will seek you out wit'

"Now it's my part!"

Zucker im Kaffee
Und Zitrone oder Sahne in den Tee
Und dazu den ganzen Tag lang nur Amor
Das ist wunderbar, Señor

"And now it's your part again
It's your part again, it's your part again!"

Yes, here we go – break it down
I got the crown, I'm 'bout to take it now
Yo, I got my man and he's on the guitar
And when it comes to lyrics I go so far
Like a car that I'm drivin'
Survivin' of Vivarin
I'm alive, I'm like eye of the tiger
And I kick it so, so, fuckin' hard
Now "Freifick, Muschi", don't diss
Me – regard it, come on!

"And now it's my part again, here we go!"

Zucker im Kaffee
Und Zitrone oder Sahne in den Tee
Und dazu den ganzen Tag lang nur Amor
Das ist wunderbar, Señor nochmal!
Zucker, Zucker, Zucker, Zucker
Zucker im Kaffee
Und Zitrone oder Sahne in den Tee, aha!
Und dazu den ganzen Tag lang nur Amor
Das ist wunderbar, Señor

Give me some noise! Make some noise!

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